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Found 35516 results for any of the keywords autism myths. Time 0.007 seconds.
Autism myths and facts | Ambitious about AutismHere you can find common autism myths and facts and resources to help you raise awareness of autism.
What is autism? | Ambitious about AutismAutism is a lifelong developmental disability which is estimated to affect one in 100 people in the UK. Find out more.
Understanding autism | Ambitious about AutismFind out more about autism and access information relevant to different stages in autistic children and young people s lives.
About autism | Ambitious about AutismInformation about what autism is, how it affects people and how you can support autistic people.
Autism and associated conditions | Ambitious about AutismAutistic people often also have other conditions, which can make their support needs more complex. Read more about common conditions that someone can have alongside autism.
How to talk about autism | Ambitious about AutismThis section explains different terms and how to talk about autism.
What causes autism | Ambitious about AutismInformation on the possible causes of autism and dispelling myths around cures .
10 Myths Your Boss Has About Medication For Autism And ADHD10 Myths Your Boss Has About Medication For Autism And ADHD
Toolkits | Ambitious about AutismAmbitious about Autism is the national charity for children and young people with autism. We provide services, raise awareness and understanding, and campaign for change. Through TreeHouse School, The Rise School and Amb
Ambitious about Autism | National charity for autistic children and yoAmbitious about Autism is the national charity for autistic children and young people. We stand with autistic children, young people and their families to champion rights, campaign for change and create opportunities.
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